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McHenry County Economic Development Committee Business Forum:  Secure & Private Liabilities and Global Market Opportunities



In partnership with the Global Midwest Alliance, McHenry County EDC is pleased to kick off 2012 by hosting a Business Forum focusing on Security & Private Liabilities as well as Global Market Opportunities.​  


Security and Private Liability 

Robert Lehrman, Vice President, Mesirow Financial Insurance Services will discuss cyber and data breach, fraudulent charges, identity restoration, risk of liability associated with web/network content, and many other issues of concern in our technological world as well as international insurance issues.

Global Growth in 2012

Peter Eelman, Vice President Exhibitions and Communcations Association for Manufacturing Technology will address MAT Insight which allows users access to business intelligence regarding markets and profiles potential for international operations and how AMT's technical centers can assist with marketing operations. 

Robert Chatterton Dickson, British Consul General, Chicago is responsible for representing the United Kingdom and promoting political, trade, investment, economic and cultural relations between the US and the UK across thirteen states of the US Midwest.

Rebecca Riebe, Director of Global Business Initiatives for Global Midwest Alliance, is responsible for focusing on international operations.  She has worked with many of the top Fortune 1000 companies developing international trade, technological process efficiencies and market opportunities.  Rebecca will address opportunities for international growth.

Reservations required - register online, email or call 815.364.0444. There is no cost for this event.

January 12, 2012

8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Shah Corporate Center 
4100 West Shamrock Lane
McHenry, IL 60050
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