Join us for an important gathering of food industry leaders from the Midwest. 

​Involvement in this campaign provides a number of very valuable benefits for these industry supporting organizations. A portion of the revenue generated through this initiative is a critical part of annual food industry sector funding and support. This allows Global Midwest Alliance to pursue and fund groundbreaking, innovative programs that will help support, expand and enhance the success and impact of companies throughout the Midwest, with a strong focus on the currently critical areas of innovation, sustainability and global growth.

Global Midwest Alliance is a business-led, region-wide not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to transforming the Midwest into an internationally recognized leader in innovation and business growth. The Alliance aligns and integrates resources throughout the Midwest helping businesses to grow by leveraging existing resources to develop new products and find customers throughout the world. The Alliance is the Private Sector Liaison Office for the World Bank and a member of Global CONNECT. Through these and other affiliations, the Alliance facilitates access to global business opportunities for Midwest business through 160 groups in 100 countries around the world. The Alliance offers educational and networking opportunities through a variety of programs and resources designed to promote innovation, technology development and access to global opportunities in the clean technology, energy, food, logistics, manufacturing and water industries.

Copyright © Global Midwest Alliance, 2019.  All rights reserved.  |  Privacy Policy  |  Terms of Use

General Reception
5:30 p.m.

Dinner & Awards Presentation
6:30 p.m.

Valet Parking Available $37/Self Park $26
Additional Parking Information
Do you have questions about VIP Packages, Standard Tables, 
the Ad Journal or Donations? 
Please email
OCTOBER 24, 2019 | 5:30-9:00 P.M.
The 5th Annual Midwest Food Matters Leadership Awards gala will bring together leaders, suppliers and service providers from the many faces of the food industry for an evening of networking and to celebrate the impact, accomplishments and bright promise for the future of the food industry in the Midwest.

Whether you're an industry member, service provider or supplier to food companies, this promises to be a memorable evening of renewing friendships, making new connections for global business opportunities and celebrating our award winners.

2019 Leadership Award Honorees
Midwest Food Matters Leadership Awards Co-Chairs 

Donal O’Brien
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner

Rob Plimbley

Matt Prine

Ian Rahal
Rahal Foods

Jim Thorne
Griffith Foods Worldwide Inc.

Pat Waldo

John Weaver
Bank of America
All net proceeds from this non-profit initiative will support the important industry-focused non-profits, America Meals on Wheels, Beloit Meals on Wheels, and the innovative food industry support and development programs of Global Midwest Alliance. 
John B. Sanfilippo & Son | Griffith Foods Worldwide | Abbott Nutrition | 
Flying Food Group and The Sue Ling Gin Foundation Trust |
Institute for Food Safety & Health
Susan Bond
Kerry Taste and Nutrition

Dr. Robert Brackett
Institute for Food Safety & Health

Dolores Connolly
Sterling Engineering

Riley Didion
Didion Milling

​​Dan Dye
Ardent Mills

Bo Evans
Livingston International​
Dr. Paul A. Hall
Flying Food Group

Joe Levitt
Hogan Lovells

Randy Lewis
Global Natural Foods

Gail Longmore
Global Midwest Alliance

​Bill Magee
Tate & Lyle

Amy McDonald

​Anthony Nasharr